Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Three Months!!

Oh my gosh - three months! That's how long since my last post ... thank you for the comments I had asking where I was - I'm fine, mostly just busy :) ... and you know how it is, the longer you leave something, the harder it is to get back on the saddle, I've written lots and lots of blogging posts in my head and then time passes and they're not that interesting any more!

I have been stitching and need to dig out the few things I've finished. I DID take pictures of my latest two finishes though - I've done these to give to a good friend who is having an art auction to raise money for her teenage daughter (and others) to go to World Youth Day in Australia next year. I'm so pleased with the way these turned out, not to mention tempted to keep them! LOL - I framed them myself and think I did pretty good job - almost makes me think I need to dig out a few of my unframed ones and just DO IT!

Anyway - Faith and Hope by LHN & Crescent Colours -

Now, another, very cheeky, reason for blogging again is that I've cleaned out my hand-dyed fabrics - I'm hoping that some of you wonderful bloggers out there might want to take them off my hands - I'm at work and have left the list of the names/makes at home, but email me if you want any further details ( The reason I'm selling them? My 13yo went to the optomerist last week and we have a $700 bill for glasses to pay for ... which would be fine, but it came the week after a $700 bill to fit the 11yo into contact lenses for playing sport and getting his glasses re-lensed .... not to mention the Melbourne Exchange trip that Mr 13yo is going on and had to be paid for this week. Sooooo we've managed the 11yo big optomerist bill, paid for the Melbourne trip ... but still need to pay off the 13yo Optomerist bill, which we CAN do - but it will take a few weeks - so I figured it would be worth trying to move the fabric I'm probably never going to use and make use of it!

First photo is all 13x18 size - $7.50 each
Second photo is all 9x12 (?? - I think that is right - the "normal" smaller size) - $4.00 each or $24.00 for the whole group.
Third photo is 18x26 size - $15.00 each

I'm not sure what the postage will be - email me, and we can talk details!

Of course the other thing that has been keeping me busy is Stampin' Up! This is going SO well, I'm amazed at how much fun I'm having, how I love the product and how interested everyone else is in it. Stampin/Scrapping hasn't quite taken over my stitching, but it's definitely trying! If you're in NZ and at all interested in seeing this stuff - give me a yell :)

Nice to see you all again - I have been reading blogs and keeping up with everyone ... and admiring all the stitching! Lets see if I can get this up and active again, I have books and finished stitching to add to by sidebars!

Catch you later, gaters!