Sunday, April 02, 2006

March Re-Cap/April Goals

It does the soul good to look back on the goals and what has been stitched in the past month, I've been so busy - but I've also pretty much kept up with what I wanted to do ... I wrote in my March Goal post that I thought I was being pretty optimistic, but I did okay! (mental pat on the back from me, to me)

March Goals

1. Finish October Sky Sampler - Yes!
2. Two Ornaments (SAL + one other) - Yes!
3. Finish Mirabilia RR and send off. - Yes!
4. Finish Toy Shop (old UFO) - Yes!
5. Finish Celtic Summer - not quite, should this month though.
6. 2 ebay pieces - just one (that sold yesterday :))
7. Stick to rotation. - pretty much, lost the plot at the end of the month.

April Goals

1. Finish DT - Love and Wisdom
2. NZ Ornament SAL
3. 1 More Ornament
4. Mirabilia RR and send off
5. Finish Celtic Summer
6. Restart Faery Tales
7. 1 other Ebay Piece

Optimistic again ... but that makes it fun :)

I've put my planned rotation as well as the goals on my sidebar ... one day I'll get time to work out how to make them look right on there too!

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